Meet The Team

Team Member @ Awesometistic | Richie
Managing Director
Growing up without a diagnoses of ASD was difficult to say the least, i struggled immensely with everyday life and didn't understand where I fit into the world. I did all these different behaviour’s that at the time I didn't understand why I was doing them but really struggled to stop. As I have felt throughout life I have had to hide away and compress everything deep inside I have learnt a lot about myself and become very self aware which I feel puts me in a very good position to help families, businesses, schools or the general public learn more about ASD and how they can change their environment or their behaviour to help people that have ASD. Finding out i had autism was hard for me to deal with at start and the wait for the diagnosis made me loose my identity, This made me reliase a lot about who i am and who i want to be from this point forward. This is why i decided that i want to spend my life raising awareness of autism. I can only ever talk about my own autism and needs but if someone takes something away from me that has helped even a little then i am a happy man.

Team Member @ Awesometistic | Rob
Managing Director
Richie first turned up on my radar when he kept popping up in my Facebook feed. As a parent of a teenager with autism. Richie was becoming a regular feature. After meeting him I could see why! His enthusiasm and commitment to not only helping people with autism but also helping people understand autism by putting himself out there is inspiring.
My professional background is customer services and printing.
Being a parent of someone with autism can be very lonely and you’re left feeling very lost, the insight which Richie brings to parents is invaluable and I am incredibly proud to be helping him in his journey to show people that being autistic can be awesome. After knowing Richie for over 5 years I feel I can bring a lot to Awesometisitic from behind the scenes to allow Richie to be his awesome self, taking care of work and planning that a lot of viewers don't see. Allowing Richie to shine and help those that need it. My role is too look after Richie and take care of the planning and facilitating.
Meet The Ambassadors

Team Member @ Awesometistic | Sue
Managering Director
I first meet Richie, after a friend told me about him and how amazing he is, how he promotes autism and how ‘it’s ok to be me’
So I decided to follow him on Facebook, my friend said that it would helpful due to having a autistic child.
I soon became very impressed by all the work he was doing trying to promote autism.
I arranged to meet Richie, after getting over the feeling of meeting a superstar I was completely blown away by his awesome story he has not only helped me to understand autism better but has also helped my 10 year old son.
I now feel Richie is a friend for life and I will continue to support him in whatever way I can.
Keep being awesome Richie.
Meet The Ambassadors
My name is jay i am 4 years old i was diagnoised with autism when i was 2 I am non verbal I am a happy, bright little boy who is loving life due to my parents and grandparents giving me the support I need. They are so understanding and learning more each day about autism. I started to go to a play group that was run for autistic children and this help me alot as it was quiet and I could be myself. I have now started special needs school and this is helping me alot as I get the support I need. Richie is helping my family with any questions or concerns they have to help support me. I think Richie is doing a great job raising awareness and supporting schools and family's. He is awesome

I don’t know what life is like without autism because I’ve always been autistic. Having such an understanding Mam has meant that I can always be me and I think that has really helped me to be the person I am today. If I wasn’t autistic I would be a different person and I don’t like the thought of that. Awesometistic is amazing, I wish Someone like Richie had been to my first school because they didn’t understand me at all. But knowing that Richie is doing this and helping other schools to understand children like me makes me Really happy

I am a Mam to an autistic teen. I believe that being an understanding nurturing parent is key to raising an amazing autistic person. Awesometistic is amazing, I love what Richie is doing and see so much of my daughter in him. One day I hope that she will do something like this to help share her knowledge and experience.
Richie is an amazing role model to so many people.

Hi everyone my name is Maxwell I’m 6. I was lucky enough to get a diagnosis of Autism at 3 it took 18 months but in place before I started my amazing SEN school. I went to the nursery at the school which was mainstream and SEN combined and they really helped me with getting my EHCP which makes such a difference to me when it comes to all things school. I was non verbal until 5 and now have limited language and use signing and pictures to help. My classes at school only have 6-8 friend in and this has really helped my confidence and development. I really love it there. I really love everything about life, and people always say I’m always smiling. I do suffer from extreme anxiety, so don’t always smile on the inside, but mummy and school always make sure my needs are met to keep it to a minimum. My favourite things after flapping and running in circles are, buses and numbers. My mummy told me that Richie is Awesome, so he must be! We think what Ritchie does is not only Awesome but amazing. Ritchie has shown great courage this year and by sharing his story and experiences he spreads so much awareness and understanding. We love you Ritchie Ribbon x